public speaking

Mastering Public Speaking: Command the Stage

Strategies for High-Performing Professionals

Guest Blogger Tricia Brouk:

Imagine standing on a stage, lights dimmed, a spotlight illuminating you as hundreds of eyes watch with anticipation. Your heart pounds, palms sweat, and a voice inside you whispers, “Can I really do this?”

I’ve seen this moment countless times in my career as a director, producer, and mentor. I’ve watched speakers transform their fear into power, their uncertainty into clarity, and their stories into unforgettable experiences. Public speaking isn’t just about delivering a message; it’s about commanding the stage, captivating your audience, and establishing yourself as a thought leader in your industry. Here, I’ll share actionable insights to help you do just that.

Mastering public speaking

Understanding the Power of Authenticity

One of my clients was a brilliant executive, but struggled with connecting to her audience. Her speeches were polished but lacked a personal touch. During one of our sessions, I encouraged her to share a personal story about her journey. The transformation was incredible. Sarah’s authenticity not only engaged her audience but also built trust and credibility.

Authenticity is about embracing your true self and letting your personality shine through. Share your experiences, challenges, and successes. When you speak from the heart, your audience connects with you on a deeper level.

Key Takeaway: Embrace your true self and speak from the heart. Authenticity builds trust and makes your message more impactful.


Crafting a Compelling Narrative

Think about your favorite movie. What keeps you glued to the screen? It’s the story. A compelling narrative is the backbone of any great speech. When I worked with a tech entrepreneur, we focused on structuring his speech like a story. He opened with a surprising fact about his industry, shared his journey through various challenges, and ended with a powerful call to action. The result? His audience was not only informed but also inspired.

Start by grabbing your audience’s attention with a powerful opening. Guide them through your main points using examples and anecdotes. End with a strong conclusion that reinforces your key takeaways and leaves a lasting impression.

Key Takeaway: Structure your speech with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Use examples and anecdotes to illustrate your points and leave a lasting impression with a strong conclusion.

Command the Stage

Practicing Mindful Presence

I recall a time when one of my clients, a financial expert, was about to speak at a major conference. He was nervous, distracted, and unable to focus. We practiced mindfulness techniques like deep breathing and visualization. When he stepped on stage, he was calm, centered, and fully present. His speech was a success.

Being fully present in the moment is essential for effective public speaking. Practice mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing, visualization, and grounding exercises to calm your nerves and stay focused. Before you step on stage, take a few moments to center yourself and set an intention for your speech.

Key Takeaway: Practice mindfulness techniques to stay present and focused. Being fully present allows you to connect with your audience and respond to their reactions in real time.

Harnessing the Power of Nonverbal Communication

Your nonverbal communication can have a significant impact on how your message is received. I remember coaching a passionate advocate for environmental sustainability. Her words were powerful, but her body language didn’t match. We worked on her posture, gestures, and eye contact. The next time she spoke, her nonverbal communication enhanced her message, making it even more compelling.

Pay attention to your body language, facial expressions, and eye contact. Stand tall with your shoulders back to convey confidence. Use hand gestures to emphasize key points and make your speech more dynamic. Make eye contact with different members of youraudience to create a sense of connection and engagement.

Key Takeaway: Pay attention to your nonverbal communication. Use confident body language, facial expressions, and eye contact to enhance your message and engage your audience.

High performing professionals

Engaging Your Audience

Engaging your audience is crucial for keeping their attention and making your speech memorable. When I worked with a healthcare leader, we incorporated interactive elements into his presentation. He asked questions, encouraged participation, and used multimedia to keep his audience engaged. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive.

Use techniques such as asking questions, encouraging participation, and incorporating multimedia elements to keep your audience engaged. Tailor your content to the interests and needs of your audience to make it relevant and relatable.

Key Takeaway: Use techniques such as asking questions, encouraging participation, and incorporating multimedia elements to engage your audience. Tailor your content to make it relevant and relatable.

Preparing and Practicing

Preparation and practice are key to delivering a successful speech. I remember
coaching a scientist preparing for a TEDx talk. She researched her topic thoroughly, organized her content meticulously, and practiced relentlessly. Her dedication paid off when she delivered a flawless and inspiring talk.

Start by researching your topic thoroughly and organizing your content into a clear and coherent structure. Write a detailed outline or script, but be flexible and open to making adjustments as needed. Practice your speech multiple times, both alone and in front of others, to build confidence and refine your delivery. Record yourself and watch the playback to identify areas for improvement.

Key Takeaway: Thorough preparation and practice are essential for delivering a successful speech. Research your topic, organize your content, and practice multiple times to build confidence and refine your delivery.

Engage with your audiensce

Embracing Feedback and Continuous Improvement

Finally, embrace feedback and strive for continuous improvement. After each speaking engagement, seek feedback from your audience, peers, and mentors. Reflect on what went well and what could be improved. Use this feedback to make adjustments and continuously refine your public speaking skills. I remember my own journey as a speaker; feedback was my greatest ally in growth and improvement.

Key Takeaway: Seek feedback and strive for continuous improvement. Reflect on each speaking engagement, make adjustments, and continuously refine your skills.


Mastering public speaking is a journey that requires dedication, practice, and a
willingness to embrace your authentic self. By understanding the power of authenticity, crafting a compelling narrative, practicing mindful presence, harnessing the power of nonverbal communication, engaging your audience, preparing thoroughly, and embracing feedback, you can enhance your public speaking skills and command the stage. As you continue to grow and develop as a speaker, you will not only inspire and captivate your audience but also establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

If you’re ready to take your public speaking skills to the next level, I invite you to connect with me and explore how we can work together to achieve your goals. Together, we can unlock your potential and transform you into a powerful and influential speaker.

Tricia Brouk is a renowned director, producer, and mentor to countless speakers, helping high-performing professionals transform into industry thought leaders through the power of authentic storytelling. She is the founder of The Big Talk Academy and has produced and hosted numerous award-winning events and podcasts. Tricia’s books, documentaries, and speaking engagements continue to inspire and empower audiences worldwide. To get in touch or find out more, check out her LinkedIn profile

Dan Ram ignites the stage as an in-person event and virtual event MC/ Moderator & Speaker at over 100 events a year. He has shared the stage with international luminaries including President Barack Obama, Sir Richard Branson, Reid Hoffman, Nico Rosberg, and Grammy-winning artists and celebrities. He has also been recognized as a Top 40 under 40 leader 2020 as well as a Top 100 Yale Alumni in Technology 2021. He has dedicated 2023 to providing resources and coaching 500 international dreamers who are dedicated to launching new initiatives.  His passion is to inspire people with his motto ‘Start Now Start Simple’ in building a future we all want to live in. If you you are launching something new this year join #The500Club to receive resources and coaching from Dan!

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