How do YOU Start Now, Start Simple?

Whenever I’m asked to speak, 4 words come to mind. “Start Now, Start Simple” has been my motto for years and it’s been the driving force in all of my decisions both professionally and personally. I recently found out what this philosophy means to you. To say that I was blown away is an understatement. I’ve been encouraged and re-invigorated by reading all of the responses of what this means to YOU and I wanted to share them as further encouragement to Start Now, Start Simple in 2022. 

Dan Ram

What does Start Now Start Simple mean to YOU?

For me, it’s not being afraid of failure and rather just giving it a try. There is nothing stopping you from going for it. Only good things can come out of it. Instead of imagining a mountain that you cannot climb, think about taking a small step on a ladder. Then another. And another. And another. And one day you will find yourself at the top of the summit. But for that, you need to Start now, Start simple. Otherwise, you will always look at the mountain feeling sad for yourself you never tried climbing. 

Michail Kosak Co-Founder DueDash

‘Start Now Start Simple’ means working on my goal every single day. Taking small steps, but being consistent. We look at other people’s success stories, which might appear simple. But it is hard work and you need to be resilient and work for your goals in life. It is about having that vision for yourself, setting specific goals for each day/week and knowing how much you love it. If you visualise it and take actions daily, you will reach your goals.

-Tatjana Krajsic Freelance – Marketing Manager

For me Start, Start simple means that right now is the best time to start chasing my goals, no matter how difficult or far they might seem to be. Even if the easiest step is backed by the simplest of resources, taken in the desired direction, it is surely going to give me an advantage.
I believe it’s always better to take that very first and the most difficult step the earliest I can, then I can enjoy the rest and let the journey show me the way, Just as a child, only days after his or her birth, learns to crawl and stand, one day they will start running at his or her full pace!

Aman Sadiqu Analyst at Deloitte India

There will never be a perfect moment when you will have all the answers to do everything just right. Entrepreneurship is not just about bringing an idea to life. It’s about discovering the challenges in your path and how you can overcome them; it’s about learning your team’s strengths and how you can leverage them to chart the best course ahead; it’s about acknowledging the mistakes you make along the way and what you can learn from them…
The sooner you start discovering, the sooner you learn. The simpler you start, the faster you can adapt and grow.
Start now, start simple, learn quickly, adapt fast!

-Garima Mittal Co-Founder, Head of Technology & Design at Sagacity GmbH

Start now means no more complaining. Every issue I see, has to be tackled or accepted. no more complaining. Start simple is often just creating an action plan. After the that its just a lot of simple actionable steps. Start now, start simple led me to my current startup! Last year I had nothing. Now I am in an accelerator program with decent funding. Now it seems crazy that it all began with Start now, Start simple.

-Philip Mewes Entrepreneur

“Start Now Start Simple” means overcoming one’s fears and just doing it!

Carolin Wagner Co-Found STATION

Done is better than perfect! Start building the launch pad before you are launching the fancy rocket.

Getting started immediately means doing something simple that you can start right away, get some traction, receive feedback, and participate in the market rather than observe the market from outside. Watch out for opportunities and plan for taking the next leap, once you have established the launchpad.
This is what I did when I started Visual Ink Publishing last year. To date we are simply selling books, couldn’t be more simple. But it provides the launch pad for developing next-level ebooks and rethinking digital education.

-Benjamin Wolba PhD student in Physics

“Start now, start simple” means that one should not focus too much on the complexity of the future, but more on what opportunities lie in front of us and how to get started fast without losing too much time. Better done than perfect would be another motto that comes to my mind when thinking about this. Would love to put this into action again this year!

-Birgit M. Executive Assistant

Start Now, Start Simple means taking action on an idea rather than keeping it to yourself.
It’s the single most important thing that I’ve learned to employ on a daily basis because it gives me experience and momentum which helps me to learn and grow as a person! Innovation is not an idea, it’s about doing new things.

-Alan Armstrong Startup Coach

“Start now,Start simple” for me means “Don’t overthink it, you will learn as you go.” It is important to bring ideas to life and test them and therefore improve them. The key mindset for all brandpreneurs out there is to embrace failure and bring added value solutions to people with the passion and humbleness of the learner.

-Ina Garvanska Everything Digital

To me it means that it is better to start with something than never start at all. There may be many reasons why it is not yet perfect enough to start but you only need one small reason which is good enough to let you start. You need that conviction.

-Druhv Dhandhania Specialist IT at BMW Group

To me your motto means:
1. Focus on the USP of your idea 🎯and 
2. Don‘t get lost by overthinking all possibilities 🤔🔮
3. Take Aktion 🙌🏼 and
4. Keep it as clear as possible 💡😊

-Denise Nathalie Semmler

Starting is the first positive step – Success comes after a million small steps further.

-Harish Natarajan Intelligent Mobility at MHP

Start now, Start simple means that success is like a mountain and the top can only be reached by taking the first step. Tomorrow ice may prevent you from going on so there isn’t a  better time than now!

-Anne Laure ZOUATER Salesforce Roll-out Manager at Bei Sandoz

Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.

-Deepak K V IT Project Management

The way to success is to build your own one. Even with small steps, I need to start now and embrace the uncertainty, only then I can see the facts and the new solutions.
Seyedebrahim Safavi Authentic Manager

Act now and aim to accomplish an achievable and realistic goal. Success will help you master bigger challenges
-Patrick Boscher Strategic Advisor

To me this means the magic in success is to aim for the impossible by starting with the possible.
-Sascha Hameister Making Multiplayer game players successful

Tackle the big challenges, but slice it in small tasks to get quick results.
-Daniel Rottinger Startup Kommunikator mit Journalismus-Background

I imagine these incredible ideas are just the tip of the iceberg. I want to hear from you! Comment below what Start Now Start Simple means to YOU? Drop a few gems in the comments.

Dan Ram ignites the stage as an in-person event and virtual event EMCEE & Speaker at over 100 events a year.  He has shared the stage with international luminaries including President Barack Obama, Sir Richard Branson, Reid Hoffman, Nico Rosberg, and Grammy-winning artists and celebrities.  Level up your communication skills through his course and mastermind  “Speaking Success”.  If  you want to make this the year that you master your personal brand, check out Dan’s Full Service Personal Branding Agency. His passion is to inspire people with his motto ‘Start Now Start Simple’ in building a future we all want to live in.

7 thoughts on “How do YOU Start Now, Start Simple?”

  1. Great Tagline. Half the battle is won when we start right away, Not waiting for a better time and better positioning is what Start Now means to me,

  2. In Sanskrit language there is a shloka-‘shubhasya shieegram, ashubhasya kaalaharanam’ which means that one should start the good things as soon as possible and delay bad things. it means that when there is good desire we should do it immediately otherwise there may be obstacles or hinderance to do that. What happens in the next moment we don’t know . Whatever we think is good or important in life , it is always better to start it immediately . Even if we do it step by step it is ok according to me.

  3. It’s fascinating how one simple statement “Start Now, Start Simple” can mean so many incredible things to so many incredible people! I think when that happens you know you’ve landed on something profound.

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