Cultivating leadership

From Behind the Scenes to Center Stage

Cultivating Leadership through Service

Do you find yourself hesitating to step into a leadership role because you are an introvert? If so, you are not alone.
Cultivating leadership ..
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Leadership for me had to be uncovered and discovered. It wasn’t something that was natural for me. I was a stereotypical introvert. I was shy, nerdy, and socially awkward. These traits often led me to believe that I wasn’t cut out for leadership. But I no longer believe that an introvert has to display those characteristics. They are a stereotype.

After a series of unique experiences growing up I began to realize that although leadership wasn’t something that was given to me or expected of me, it was something I could develop within myself.

That said, there were moments that I realized that not only did I think about doing something differently than others but I took the initiative to do it. It may not have been in front of a team or in front of a crowd, but I did it anyway.

cultivating leadership

One particular moment stands out in my memory around the time I was in middle school or high school. I learned about the concept of Halloween, which was not very common in my neighborhood in India. There was some reservation to the concept of witches and goblins so instead of embracing the traditional idea, I suggested organizing a fun harvest event for our community. I gathered my friends, set up tables on the badminton court, and encouraged everyone to showcase their talents, do a magic show, play a game, or sell items at their table. This gave us an opportunity to create something different and invite our neighbors to join us.

Throughout this experience, I encountered resistance and doubts from others, but instead of giving up, I challenged myself to find new solutions. This perseverance and willingness to think outside the box became a recurring theme in my life.

A few years later, when I moved to Morocco, my school didn’t have a music program. So I took it upon myself to teach music to students and teachers. I created excitement around music as an essential part of education, and eventually, a teacher was hired as a choir master because of my efforts.

Looking back, I realized that I have always taken the initiative when I believe in something and have persisted even when resources and opportunities seemed limited. I’ve come to understand that leadership isn’t solely based on personality traits or natural inclinations. It’s about the capacity to lead, the ability to create new spaces and opportunities, and the support of a community that encourages and holds leaders accountable.

Kids have an incredible innate capacity to lead and to breathe life into new ideas when given the space and the opportunity. But none of this would be possible without the force of the community that surrounds them.

During my teens I had my parents, I had neighbors showing up, and even with my school who gave me permission to use rooms and facilities.
Not everyone is destined to be a leader, and that’s okay. However, everyone has a crucial role to play in the community, whether it be supporting, encouraging, or holding accountable those who step into leadership positions. I was fortunate to have parents, siblings, and friends who pushed me forward, and I believe that everyone deserves that same encouragement and love to reach their fullest potential.

Leadership is ultimately about service and serving others. Regardless of whether we hold a formal leadership title or not, we can all make a difference by supporting, encouraging, and holding leaders responsible. It’s about paying attention and being willing to step up, whether from a visible or behind-the-scenes position. We can all contribute to the betterment of our community by embracing our unique talents and serving others with love and intention.

So, if you’ve ever questioned whether leadership skills are innate or nurtured, let me assure you that it’s a combination of both. Leadership can be learned, developed, and honed over time. And if you step forward, embrace your introverted nature, and uncover the leader within you, through your gifts, you will positively impact the world through service.

If you could benefit from personalized coaching to unlock your leadership potential, Get in touch today

2 thoughts on “From Behind the Scenes to Center Stage”

  1. Joseph Stanley

    I love how you don’t use introvertedness as an excuse for inaction. Inspriring journey Dan!

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